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If you’re planning a charitable event with a raffle, bazar, bingo or break open lottery in the Municipality of South Bruce, you need to apply for a lottery licence. Visit the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) for more details about applications and COVID-19 updates.

If you have any questions about lottery licences, contact us.

Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO)

When do you need a lottery licence?

You will need to apply for a lottery licence if you’re planning a charitable event that has one of the three elements of a lottery scheme:

  • A prize
  • A chance to win the prize
  • Consideration or a fee

Please note that there are many types of lottery schemes that do not qualify for a lottery licence. Our licencing clerk will confirm your eligibility when you apply.

How to qualify

To qualify for a lottery licence, your organization must:

  • Be an existing organization that has been providing services for at least one year
  • Host the event as a public benefit to residents
  • Use the revenue for a charitable purpose (i.e. relief of poverty, advancement of religion or education, or ways that benefit our community)
  • Open and maintain a separate Lottery Trust bank account from your operating account

How to apply

Please apply at least two weeks before your event for us to review and process your application. To apply for a lottery licence, complete our Lottery Licence Questionnaire and drop it off in-person or mail it to the Municipal Office at:

  • 21 Gordon St. E.,
  • P.O. Box 540
  • Teeswater, ON N0G 2S0

Lottery Licence Questionnaire

Please include the following documents with your form:

  • By-laws, letters patent, or charter to recognize your organization or charity
  • Detailed outline of programs and services (i.e. what they are, how they’re delivered to clients, specific costs and supporting materials etc.)
  • Organizations current operating budget
  • Organization’s verified financial statements for last fiscal year
  • List of board of directors
  • Latest report to the public guardian and trustee (if applicable)
  • Revenue Canada notification of registration letter (if applicable)
  • Membership list (if applicable)
  • Organization’s annual report (if applicable)

Next steps

When you receive your lottery licence, you will be given a finance report to detail the revenues and expenses. Instructions and expectations for this form will be provided when you receive it. You must complete the financial report within 30 days after your event. You can either drop it off in-person or mail it to the Municipal Office at:

21 Gordon St. E.,

Teeswater, ON N0G 2S0

You need a marriage licence if you want to get married in the Province of Ontario. Visit the Province of Ontario to find out what you need to know before you get married in Ontario.

Province of Ontario

Apply for a marriage licence

Please contact us to schedule an appointment to drop off your completed Marriage Licence Application. You need to apply for a marriage licence within 90 days of your wedding.

Marriage License Application

What do I need for the meeting?

Please make sure to have the following information with you: 

  • Completed Marriage Licence Application
  • Birth certificate or valid passport for each applicant
  • And government issued photo Identification (example: driver’s license, health card) for each applicant
  • Original or certified copy of a divorce certificate (only if you’re divorced)

Please note if both applicants cannot appear in person, one applicant can bring in this information for the other applicant.


It costs $125 to apply for a marriage licence. We accept cash, cheque or debit payments.

Marriage certificates

After you get married, you can apply for a marriage certificate. You’ll need a marriage certificate if you want to change your name after getting married, apply for social benefits and other reasons.  You may order your Marriage Certificate through Service Ontario approximately 8 to 10 weeks after the date of your marriage.

Ontario Marriage Certificate Online

You need a licence in order to own, operate or drive a taxi in the Municipality of South Bruce. Review the application process.

Apply for a taxi licence

Please complete the Taxi Licence Application in order to apply for a taxi licence.

You must include the following information with your application:

  • Proof of insurance of up to $2 million
  • Certificate of Mechanical Fitness from a facility approved by the Ministry of Transportation
  • Ontario Provincial Police Vulnerable Sector Check
  • Drivers’ abstract for each driver
  • Confirmation that you won’t charge more for accessible taxi services

Taxi Licence Application Form Ministry of Transportation


It costs $50 to apply for a taxi licence.

Please contact the Municipal Office to Purchase a Dog License 519-392-6623. We apologize our online service is currently down.


The following licensing fees apply:

  • $20 for your first dog
  • $50 for your second dog and any additional dog
  • $150 for a kennel licence
  • $75 to reclaim an animal
  • $150 to run a boarding establishment (paid annually)
  • $200 for a dangerous dog

If your annual dog licence renewal is not paid by April 30, you will be charged double the original fee. View our Animal Control By-law for full details about dog licensing and fees.

By Law - Animal Control

There is a $150 fine for not registering your dog with the municipality.

Replacement Tags

If you lose or break your dog tag, you can purchase a replacement tag for $10.

Kennel Application

You need to purchase an annual kennel licence in order to operate a kennel in South Bruce. The cost for a kennel licence is $150.

To apply for a kennel licence, please complete the Kennel Application form and submit it to the Municipality of South Bruce by email or mail or drop it off to:

21 Gordon St. E.
PO Box 540
Teeswater ON, N0G 2S0

Kennel Application

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