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There are a variety of options available to pay your property taxes in the Municipality of South Bruce. Please make sure that you pay your property taxes on time to avoid late penalties. The Municipality accepts payment via Pre-Authorized Payment Plans, your bank, mail, in-person, or by mortgage. See the Property Taxes page for more info.

Pre-Authorized Payment Plan Form Additional Property Tax Information


The Municipality of South Bruce issues building permits, septic permits and conducts building inspections for all properties in the community. Whether you are putting on an addition, building a deck or adding a pool to your property, you need to apply for a building permit.

Apply for a Building Permit Additional Building Permit Info

The Municipality of South Bruce has a variety of facilities available for rent in Mildmay, Teeswater and Formosa. Whether you’re hosting a special occasion, family reunion or tournament, we have a facility that can fit your needs.

Rent a Facility Facility Rental Additional Information

If you plan to have an open-air burn, you need to apply for a burn permit prior to starting your burn. There will be a one-time $35 fee for a burn permit. This includes the cost of your first burn of 14 consecutive days.

Burn Permit Application Additional Burn Permit Information

The Municipality of South Bruce offers Commissioner of Oaths services for a variety of documents, including:

  • Affidavits
  • Oaths
  • Statutory declarations
  • Pension documents
  • We do not provide Notary Public services.

It costs $10 plus HST to have a document commissioned.

Commissioner of Oath Additional Information

If you’re planning a charitable event with a raffle, bazar, bingo or break open lottery in the Municipality of South Bruce, you need to apply for a lottery licence. Visit the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) for more details about applications.

You will need to apply for a lottery licence if you’re planning a charitable event that has one of the three elements of a lottery scheme:

  • A prize
  • A chance to win the prize
  • Consideration or a fee

Please note that there are many types of lottery schemes that do not qualify for a lottery licence. Our licencing clerk will confirm your eligibility when you apply.

Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Lottery Licences Additional Information

You need a marriage licence if you want to get married in the Province of Ontario. Visit the Province of Ontario to find out what you need to know before you get married in Ontario.

Please contact us to schedule an appointment to drop off your completed Marriage Licence Application. You need to apply for a marriage licence within 90 days of your wedding.

It costs $125 to apply for a marriage licence. We accept cash, cheque or debit payments.

Marriage License Application Getting Married Marriage Licence Additional Information

Please contact the Municipal Office to Purchase a Dog License 519-392-6623.

The following licensing fees apply:

  • $50 for your second dog and any additional dog
  • $150 for a kennel licence
  • $75 to reclaim an animal
  • $150 to run a boarding establishment (paid annually)
  • $200 for a dangerous dog

If your annual dog licence renewal is not paid by April 30, you will be charged double the original fee. View our Animal Control By-law for full details about dog licensing and fees.

By Law - Animal Control Additional Dog Licence Information

Our drainage systems are often known as “municipal drains.” They are vital to our communities, roads, and surrounding lands in rural Ontario. Municipal drains help to reduce flooding, improve safety, and reduce property damage. They are as important to rural Ontario as storm sewers are to urban areas.

If you have a municipal drain that requires a clean out, maintenance, or repairs please contact the municipal office as soon as possible. This work requires approval from the local conservation authority and Department of Fisheries and Oceans. We are noticing that these approvals take up to 18 to 24 months. Additional tiling and connections to existing municipal drains requires review and authorization from the Drainage Superintendent prior to any work being completed.

The Drainage Act allows us to provide construction and management of many of the communal drainage systems in rural Ontario. Costs may be recovered by the properties that are in the watershed of the drain.

For more information, review the OMAFRA Website. Contact us at 519-392-6623 to speak to the Drainage Superintendent.

Drainage Act Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness Drainage Additional Information

You may be eligible for a tile drainage loan if you plan to install a drainage system on your property. The Municipality of South Bruce has created a Tile Loan Program that you can apply for if you’re installing a tile drainage system on your property. The Tile Loan Program is authorized by the Tile Drainage Act. It also represents a partnership between municipalities and the province.

For more information, visit OMAFRA or contact the Municipal Office, at 519-392-6623.

Tile Drainage Additional Information

Follow the instructions on the back of the infraction ticket then bring or mail the ticket to the South Bruce Municipal Office.

If you are interested in proposing a new planning or development project in the area, please visit Bruce County Planning Services for more information and to complete the Property Inquiry form. They can provide information about planning applications, fees and processes.

Planning applications include:

  • Applications for consent/severance
  • Minor variance applications
  • Official Plan amendments
  • Subdivision and condominium applications
  • Site plans
  • Zoning amendments

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