Half/Reduced Load Season
As of March 3, 2025 weight/load restrictions on all South Bruce roads has been implemented.
In order to protect roads from damage caused by heavy vehicles, the Municipality of South Bruce enforces a reduced load season during the spring thaw. This applies to all roads within the Municipality of South Bruce. Reduced load season is regulated through By-law 2016-27 and section 122 of the Highway Traffic Act.
What does Reduced Load mean?
The maximum allowable weight during reduced load season is 5 tonnes per axle in accordance with section 122 of the Highway Traffic Act.
Who does this apply to?
This applies to all commercial, industrial and farm vehicles and equipment.
Please help us reduce the amount of repairs needed on our road system by not having heavy deliveries to your property during this time of year. Plan ahead and don’t haul heavy equipment such as loaded manure tanks during this season.
Thank you for your patience during this annual transition into spring!