SOUTH BRUCE, ON – The environmental and safety studies completed to date, show that a deep geologic repository can be safely built and operated in South Bruce, according to the municipality’s lead peer review consultant GHD Ltd. Ian Dobrindt, Senior Environmental Planner and member of the Peer Review Team, told the Community Liaison Committee (CLC) that there is no evidence that would keep the Municipality from going forward with the next steps of the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) site selection process.
The GHD Peer Review Team includes more than 70 independent subject matter experts. The team reviews NWMO and third-party consultants’ workplans, data, interpretation of data, field observations, draft study findings and more.
GHD has prepared a plain-language Summary Report on Safety and the Natural Environment Studies that describes study work, how they address the Municipality’s 36 Guiding Principles and highlights peer review findings. The summary will be mailed to all South Bruce households in the coming days.
Safety studies and peer review reports include: the Confidence in Safety Report, Preliminary Radiological Safety Study, Deep Geological Repository Conceptual Design Report, Preliminary Radon Assessment for a Used Fuel DGR Report, and Emergency Services Study Report.
GHD characterized the natural environment studies and peer review reports into three programs.
While GHD endorsed the science that a deep geological repository can be safely constructed within South Bruce with negligible radiological risk, it also notes that additional studies will be needed, particularly following the final site selection.
Environmental study work is ongoing. The full presentation and the Summary by GHD is available on the municipal website.
The next meeting of the CLC will be April 4th.
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