SOUTH BRUCE, ON – At the Community Liaison Committee (CLC) meeting June 6th, the South Bruce Nuclear Exploration Team reviewed how South Bruce’s 36 Guiding Principles are being addressed.
South Bruce’s Guiding Principles are based on expectations, aspirations, key concerns, and questions about the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) Project, expressed by community members. The Principles serve as a foundation of South Bruce’s continued, intensive review of the NWMO Project
17 Principles were discussed at Thursday’s meeting, with the remaining Principles being covered at an upcoming meeting.
Rushton explained how Principles have already been or will be addressed through study recommendations, work by the Municipality, legal agreements, federal processes, and/or the NWMO.
The presentation focused on the Guiding Principles related to People, Community and Culture; Capacity Building; and Regional Benefits. Willingness, social and economic impacts, the Property Value Protection Plan, business protection program, community promotion, youth support, inclusion, indigenous relations, relocation of staff, the Centre of Expertise, covering Project and regulatory incurred costs, access to housing, and regional benefits were all discussed.
The series of presentations will continue in upcoming CLC meetings and will cover Guiding Principles relating to Services and Infrastructure; Governance and Engagement; Safety and the Environment; and Economics and Finance.
The next meeting of the CLC will be on Thursday July 4 at 7 PM.
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