For Immediate Release
August 9th, 2021
SOUTH BRUCE, ON – On Thursday evening, April Root-Thompson from the Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON) Environment Office provided an update to the Community Liaison Committee (CLC) and interested community members in South Bruce.
Root-Thompson’s presentation provided insight into the process taking place at SON regarding their Community decision on the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) Project to store Canada’s used nuclear fuel in a deep geological repository. The Municipality of South Bruce is situated within SON’s traditional territory. It is one of two locations that the NWMO is considering for the Project.
The South Bruce community – which is currently being consulted on how they would like to measure their willingness to host the Project – expressed interest in better understanding the role that SON plays in the decision-making process, and finding out more about the engagement taking place between the NWMO and SON.
While a decision on the host location of the Project is not expected until 2023, the NWMO has made a commitment that the Project will only move forward in South Bruce if there is consent from SON, and the Municipality is an informed and willing host.
In her presentation, Root-Thompson highlighted the historical exclusion of SON and other First Nations from decisions in the nuclear industry, while recognizing that progress has been made in the last decade with the clear commitment from the NWMO.
“We (SON) completed a small ceremony in the Fall of 2020, as well as an archaeological assessment and verification of the borehole sites,” said Root-Thompson, while acknowledging the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on engagement and interactions.
Furthermore, two SON representatives are monitoring the borehole drilling work on a daily basis and provide updates to the Community frequently. The NWMO and SON also have a Protocol Agreement, which Root-Thompson explained is common for developments taking place in their Territory.
Additionally, SON continues to host virtual webinars with other First Nations, NWMO staff, independent scientists and others while looking forward to opportunities for in-person activities, and interactions with the land and water on the proposed site because the area historically was, and continues to be, an important area for SON members.
“Presentations from significant decisionmakers such as SON are an important part of the Committee’s mandate,” said Doug Culbert, Vice Chair of the CLC. “This evening’s presentation from April Root-Thompson improves our community’s awareness and understanding of the process taking place with the Indigenous community.”
The presentation was a step towards addressing one of the Municipality’s 36 Guiding Principles, which states:
“The Municipality recognizes the important historic and contemporary roles Indigenous peoples have and continue to play in the stewardship of the lands we all call home and will, in the spirit of Reconciliation, work with the NWMO and local Indigenous peoples to build mutually respectful relationships regarding the Project.” (Guiding Principle #17)
The next CLC meeting will be held on September, 2nd at 7:00pm, via Zoom.
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