The South Bruce Nuclear Exploration Forum: Safety and Opportunities took place on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at the Mildmay Carrick Recreation Complex. The event featured panel presentations and an exhibitor area where the public could talk to subject matter experts about topics related to the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) Project, with a focus on deep geological repository safety and potential opportunities.
Safety Put Simply Panel
The Safety Put Simply panel included Makenzie Tigwell, Nuclear Analyst with Calian Group; Mark Gobien, Manager of Safety Assessment Integration with the NWMO; Jessica Perritt, Manager of Indigenous Knowledge and Reconciliation with the NWMO; and Greg Ferraro, the Municipality of South Bruce’s Lead Consultant and Peer Reviewer with GHD Limited.
Tigwell presented the Fundamentals of Radioactivity and Radiation Safety. She described the basics of radiation, how radiation exists in everyday life, radiation doses and how the public is protected from radiation.
Gobien presented an updated Confidence in Safety Report from the NWMO. He explained features of the repository conceptual design, location, ongoing geology study results, engineering designs and proofs, and a positive assessment of safety.
Perritt presented on Safety from a Social/Community Perspective. Her remarks emphasized the importance of social safety and NWMO commitments to applying Indigenous Knowledge to the NWMO Project.
Ferraro presented What the Peer Review Experts Say about the Project. He detailed the work of the Peer Review Team in reviewing socio-economic studies, geoscience reports, environmental reports/workplans/surveys, and design and safety reports. The Peer Review Team made the conclusion that there are no significant concerns identified to date that would cause them to advise South Bruce to stop the process.
Let’s Talk Hosting Agreement and Guiding Principles Panel
The Let’s Talk Hosting Agreement and Guiding Principles panel included Mark Goetz, Mayor of the Municipality of South Bruce; Dave Rushton, Project Manager with the Municipality of South Bruce; Lise Morton, Vice-President of Site Selection with the NWMO; and Jeff Marshall, Partnership Manager with the NWMO.
Goetz and Rushton described the Hosting Agreement between the Municipality and the NWMO. The presentation explained how the Hosting Agreement was negotiated using the community-driven 36 Guiding Principles as key areas of importance for South Bruce. How the Hosting Agreement safeguards people and the natural environment, protects South Bruce’s municipal voice, and how funding streams may contribute to community well-being was also discussed, followed by a number of questions
Exhibitor Area
There were several NWMO subject matter experts present in the Exhibitor Area to share information and answer questions. The NWMO had booths and/or staff for the following topics: environment, geoscience, human resources, Indigenous engagement, indigenous relations, radiation, regulatory affairs, research and collaboration, safety, and transportation.
Additional subject matter experts, consultants, agencies, and organizations were in the Exhibitor Area to share information and answer questions. These exhibitors included:
CNSC: The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission regulates the use of nuclear energy and materials to protect health, safety, security, and the environment.
CNWC: The Canadian Nuclear Workers Council is a council of Unions with Members employed across Canada’s nuclear industry. In addition, District Labour Councils in a number of nuclear host communities are CNWC Affiliates.
GHD: The Municipality’s lead consultant and Peer Reviewer. All socio-economic and environmental studies completed by the Municipality and NWMO are peer reviewed by GHD Limited.
IAAC: The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada is a federal body that delivers high-quality impact assessments that look at both positive and negative environmental, economic, social, and health impacts of potential projects.
OPG: Ontario Power Generation is Ontario’s largest clean electricity generator and producer of about half of the province’s power. OPG also manages nuclear waste materials in Ontario.
RSIC: The Radiation Safety Institute of Canada is an independent, non-partisan, non-governmental body to promote safety in relation to radiation exposure in the workplace and in homes, schools, and the environment.
WiN: Women in Nuclear (WiN) is a global association of women and men supporting and encouraging women working in the nuclear industry, particularly energy and radiation applications.
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