For Immediate Release
September 4th, 2021
SOUTH BRUCE, ON – Prioritizing sound science, trust, and authenticity are among key factors in siting a nuclear waste project, according to Swedish nuclear waste expert Saida Laârouchi Engström.
The former Vice President of the Swedish nuclear waste management company, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering Aktiebolag (SKB), presented to the Community Liaison Committee (CLC) Thursday evening. She was joined by Jacob Spangenberg, Mayor of Östhammar to speak about their processes and experiences with the SKB national project.
Engström outlined various components of their program, such as the transport of the used nuclear fuel, which in Sweden is largely done by sea. She also explained the design of SKB’s multi barrier system for containing the waste, with some similarities to the barrier system that the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) is planning in Canada. Sweden has several operating laboratories to investigate and study various components of the SKB project, such as the canister, bentonite and hard rock.
Engström noted that building public trust includes showing the benefits as well as openness to the challenges, impacts, and local concerns.
“You have to show the positive aspects of the repository…openness about the challenges, about what you know and what you don’t know. And you need to be open to listen to the concerns and views of the local people,” explained Engström.
Similar to South Bruce and Ignace, the two communities remaining in the NWMO’s site selection process, Östhammar was one of several potential host communities in Sweden, that after studies and investigation, was chosen as the site for the SKB project.
Spangenberg explained that for more than 40 years there have been nuclear facilities in the Municipality, with the site for the deep geological repository selected in 2009. Regarding the siting of SKB’s used nuclear fuel project, Spangenberg noted that the Municipality has three key priorities: participation in decision making from start to finish, that the terms and conditions are clearly defined, and that there is transparency in the decision-making process by other authorities in the country.
For the community, Spangenberg said that the “main concern has been knowledge and understanding of what was going to happen and how it might affect the municipality in the future.”
Spangenberg also detailed the various steps in the licensing process, including the Municipality, Swedish government, Land and Environment Court, and the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority.
Like Engström, Spangenberg closed by reflecting on key takeaways from their experience so far. He pointed to cooperation between municipalities, openness and the necessity of financing.
The next CLC meeting will be held on October, 7th at 7:00pm, via Zoom.
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